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Chapter 13 Discussion Forum

Chapter 13 Discussion Forum

Q Here's something that happened to friends of mine - what do you think they should have done? J and T moved to Tulsa and bought a house in an expensive, gated neighborhood. Before buying they had the house inspected and had been satisfied with the results. However, the first time it really rained their backyard turned into a swamp - the land sloped uphill from the house and it was obvious there was a major drainage problem in the backyard. J and T eventually spent about $30,000 installing a complete drainage system in the backyard. They took it as a life lesson - do you think they should have tried to seek compensation from the former owners?

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As the land did turn out to be completely swamp, so it has right to drainage. But, in this situation both J and T cannot ask for compensation from the former owner of the land rather it can happen that Proprietors can arrange easement installments, in spite of the fact that their position is fairly traded off. A city that is purchasing easements for another sewer framework has a definitive ideal to take the easement if no understanding is come to. It is significantly less demanding and less complex to achieve an understanding than record a court activity so the proprietor has that use.